Indian President, who is on a three-day state visit to Nepal, is arriving in Pokhara on Friday afternoon. Preparations have been completed to make his Pokhara visit grand and successful.Mukherjee will land at Pokhara airport by a chartered airplane of Buddha Air at 1 pm after visiting Janakpur.“He will remain in Pokhara for about three hours. During his Pokhara visit, Mukherjee will take rest at Hotel Grand.According to hotel sources, Mukherjee will be served mixed Indian and Nepali foods. He will take his launch at 1 pm.
“Rice, Dal, chapatti and curry are the favorite food of the President,” source said, “Mixed Nepali and Indian foods will be served.”The lunch will be prepared for around 100 guests including Mukherjee. He will take his launch at Suite Room No. 135.After lunch, Mukherjee will head for the Indian Gorkha pension camp where he will address ex-Indian Gorkha soldiers. Around 1,000 ex-Indian Gorkha soldiers are expected to attend the program.
Indian President, who is on a three-day state visit to Nepal
Indian President, who is on a three-day state visit to Nepal, is arriving in Pokhara on Friday afternoon. Preparations have been completed to make his Pokhara visit grand and successful.Mukherjee will land at Pokhara airport by a chartered airplane of Buddha Air at 1 pm after visiting Janakpur.“He will remain in Pokhara for about three hours. During his Pokhara visit, Mukherjee will take rest at Hotel Grand.According to hotel sources, Mukherjee will be served mixed Indian and Nepali foods. He will take his launch at 1 pm.
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